Let’s Support the #BROWN4good Challenge!

Rice is our main staple food here in the Philippines. Our meal is never complete without it. And when we speak of rice, our number one choice is white rice. But did you know that we can get more healthy benefits from eating brown rice than white rice? Yes it’s true!

Brown rice still has the side hull and bran which provide “natural wholeness” to the grain. It has more proteins, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals that we need for a much more healthy body. It makes digestion much easier due to its higher fiber content so it promotes weight loss. It is also good for persons with diabetes since it helps in stabilizing the blood sugar levels.


Last August 30, 2016, the Department of Agriculture has launched the #BROWN4good Challenge. It is a social media propaganda that aims to encourage Filipinos to eat brown rice regularly. Aside from the personal goodness we can get by eating brown rice, it also promotes goodness to our local farmers and to our country. And most of all, with the #BROWN4good challenge, we will be able to share goodness to others since for every challenge completed, we feed one less fortunate Filipino with brown rice.

So how can we participate the #BROWN4good challenge? Just do the following 4 Goodness:

  1. Order brown rice or cook it at home.
  2. Post a photo of your meal on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
  3. Caption it with #BROWN4good #(your region). [ex. #BROWN4good #region8]
  4. Challenge others to do the same by tagging them.


That simple! In just one easy and healthy challenge, we can already help feed less fortunate Filipinos in different charities nationwide. Just remember to make your account and post set to Public to be counted! We still have until October 31, 2016 to participate with the challenge.

So are you up for the challenge to do good?


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